Beverly Hills Cohabitation Agreements Lawyer
Choose an Attorney with Unmatched Palimony Experience
Individuals with significant financial assets put a tremendous amount at risk when they move in with someone without a formal domestic partnership or cohabitation agreement. Attorney Cary Goldstein, Esq. offers experienced legal counsel relating to the establishment of cohabitation agreements. He can work with you to draft an agreement that protects your interests and preserves your financial future. Such an agreement can go a long way in preventing future strife in the event of a separation.
As a seasoned Beverly Hills palimony attorney, Cary W. Goldstein strives to remain ahead of the curve when it comes to ever-changing cohabitation laws. These laws have changed significantly since Mr. Goldstein worked with the late Marvin Mitchelson, who represented Michelle Marvin Triola in the landmark Marvin v. Marvin case. Today, Attorney Goldstein utilizes his extensive knowledge of past and current legislation and case law to draft ironclad cohabitation agreements that leave nothing to interpretation.
For cohabitation agreement and palimony counsel in Beverly Hills and the surrounding communities in the greater Los Angeles area, call (310) 935-0711.
The Importance of a Cohabitation Agreement
Without legal marriage, California courts don't recognize individual assets as community in a cohabitation arrangement. In fact, palimony cases are treated as breach of contract rather than family law cases. Because they do not distinguish between separate and community property, you may put more at risk in a palimony case than in a divorce. The courts often interpret implied agreements as a legally binding contract. If it looks like a marriage, and the parties take on roles of spouses, the court may decide that financial assets should be shared.
Benefits of Establishing a Cohabitation Agreement:
- A formal cohabitation agreement can protect property, financial holdings, and other rights in a court of law.
- A cohabitation agreement can prevent claims against your property in the event of a separation.
- A sound cohabitation agreement can actually make separation more amicable by leaving nothing to question.
- A cohabitation agreement can also establish certain rights for the other party in the event of death during the relationship.
As a Beverly Hills palimony attorney, Cary Goldstein’s priority is protecting your income and property from possible claims should a non-marital relationship end.
Call (310) 935-0711 for more information. The firm proudly serves families in Beverly Hills, West Hollywood, and throughout Los Angeles County.

Why Hire Cary W. Goldstein?
Recognized Nationally as one of Southern California's Preeminent Palimony Attorneys
Over 40 Years of Legal Experience
Excellent Reputation with Local Judges
Handled More Palimony Cases Than Any Other Lawyer in the Nation*
*To the Best of Our Knowledge
Appeared on Numerous National TV Shows as a Media Commentator
Unmatched Experience in Palimony Cases

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“Very responsive, extremely knowledgeable!”
- Jenny R. -
“Hard work and dedication.”
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“Thank you for being there!”